Homemade Sweet Potato Gnocchi…..

For a wedding gift, almost 15 years ago, we received a past maker.  Honestly, I used it ONCE in all these years….but recently I’ve been giving it another try.  The one time I tried it, I didn’t have much luck..but hey, it’s been 15 years..why not give it another try!

So, the other night we had some left over sweet potatoes..and they were delicious and I thought..what can I do with one sweet potato?  Well, why not make some sweet potato gnocchi?  My daughter loves gnocchi…..so I got out the pasta maker and within an hour we had fresh pasta!

It wasn’t hard at all….a bit noisy, but not hard at all!  And hey, who doesn’t love fresh pasta?

I’m sure you could make it even without a pasta maker…but I took the easy route.  The recipe was five ingredients:  1 egg, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 4 cups of flour, 6 ounces of water, and the sweet potato….that’s it…I put all the ingredients into the pasta maker and it mixed them all up and out came gnocchi!  And of course, I had to make a loaf of homemade french bread!

I think I’m a believer in fresh pasta.  This might become dangerous!

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