Christmas things…..


Well….another Christmas has come and gone….As I was putting away all the holiday things….it strikes me that some of my most cherished things…are the things that didn’t cost a lot of money.  For example, our Christmas tree star.  It was our first Christmas together, and Christopher and I got a small tree.  As we were decorating the tree, we realized we didn’t have anything to put on top of it.  I remembered that once, long ago, I had seen a star made from an old tin can.  We didn’t have a tin can…only an old soda can.  So, I cut a star from the soda can.  Every year, when we got the star out, I would say we should get a proper star…but Christopher always told me, no, this was a proper star.  And I guess, after all these years, I finally realize that he is right…it is a proper star and I wouldn’t have anything else for the top of our tree!

I got many wonderful presents this year….one of my favorites is a manger that my son gave to me.  He is incredibly creative.  He went into the workshop and took scraps of wood and, and using the scraps just as they were, he made me a manger.  I just love all the adorable people and animals!


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