Go Dog Go…

Go Dog Go is one of my favorite books.  I love the pictures.  I have always wanted to paint a mural of my two favorite pictures in the book.  I finally started to do it this weekend.  The two murals will be in River’s room.  Here are some photos. It is a work in progress.

First Snowfall…

Well, we got the first snowfall this morning, if you can call it a snowfall.  The kids were so excited to walk to school.  When we got to school, they were so disappointed that everyone was inside.  They wanted to stay out in the snow!  I told them that some children were probably allergic to snow, so they all had to go inside!

Having a little helper…

It always makes it extra challenging when you have a little “helper” always by your side!  Sometimes when I go somewhere without my little one, I forget what it is like to do something alone.  River loves to be right by my side all day…and even at night!  ha ha.


I’ve been spending a bit of time with my daughter, helping her with her school project.  She had to create a monster that came out of the classroom. For my daughter, believe it or not, this was a “simple” project!  This is what she came up with…..a “pequino” (she had to make up a name of the creature) that eats the principal!