Embrace the Camera….Christmas Tree Shots

Every year we do our Christmas tree shots…as always…I forget about it til the last minute.  By the time we took them this year..the tree was so dry and droopy.  Right after the photos..I ripped the tree down and dragged it outside…..all the decorations are finally put away!!

January begins……

So, January has begun and it is already the 17th!! How does time go by so quickly.  We had our first snowfall..which lasted for about 2 hours.  By the time we were able to make it outside..it had practically all melted…so sad!!  And we’ve had no snow since. I love snow and I want snow…  Winter without snow, just isn’t winter.

Also, Quinn’s birthday came and went.  He is 12 years old…I can’t believe my children are growing so quickly.  I am so proud of him.  He is such a considerate and passionate person…..just an awesome human being!!  Quinn wanted a pie for his birthday..so Tuesday made it for him.

December Recap…..

Okay..I can’t believe it is already 2012 and I haven’t posted anything yet.  I feel like time is getting away from me!!  I need an extra week to catch up with everything.  December was a whirlwind and thankfully no one gotten eaten by the Yule Cat…for which I am always thankful!!  Every photo I took in December was blurry..I think our camera or the battery or my photography skills are slowly dying….

Tuesday’s birthday came and went.  She turned 14….oh my..I can’t believe I have a 14 year old child!!  It really seems incredible.  She is such a great person and I love her so much.  She is more than I could ever ask for….she helps me out so much with the babies and around the house….I don’t know if it is due to my great parenting skills or what..but she is turning out to be a fantastic human being!!

Christmas was here and then not here and now I am still cleaning up from it all…Christopher got me a super fancy serger for Christmas.  I have never used a serger so I am going a bit crazy trying to learn all about it.  I am determined to learn everything I can about all its wonderful capabilities and then use those skills to make many many wonderful things…or at least a bib or two.  So, hopefully next week I’ll get back into the blog swing of things and be posting on a daily basis!!  Until then….happy new years……


Patience..it is the word of the second, minute, hour, day, month.  I think it is a word that will be my mantra for a long time.  I’ve always wanted to have more patience..and I’m being forced to…immediately.  One baby required a bit of patience..and two babies require a lot of it!  For me and for them.  Being a twin means automatically learning about patience.  I only have two hands and can only change a diaper so quickly, nurse a baby for so long, rock a baby so slowly…until the next one cries and needs the same thing.  I try to hold them at the same time, nurse them at the same time, comfort them at the same time..but it never seems to quite work.  Yet, when I’m giving attention to one and the other is demanding the same attention..it is so difficult.  I am learning patience and they are learning patience.  But it isn’t easy and there are many bumps in the road.  Especially when I am so sleep deprived.  Okay, let me restate that..our whole family is learning the meaning of patience.  It is definitely an acquired skill……a sought after trait, a craft to be honed…and the more patience I have..the better mother I will be……I’m learning….I’m learning…..little by little….

Embrace the Camera….

Today’s Embrace the Camera is all about…..relaxing….breathing…..not an easy thing to do for me…….especially now that I have two 7 week old babies!  Somebody is always needing something…and I never get to get anything done…completely….I’m always being interrupted…….but I’m learning…that it is okay…not to finish everything..when I want to…..Normally I want to get everything done right away..I don’t like waiting!  I like to have everything neat and tidy!!!

I’m also trying to move around a bit more..literally….I have everything I need set up in the bedroom…and that was great for the first few weeks…..and it is easy to spend the day there…..squirreled away….but I get bored..River gets bored…and the babies get bored…so I am trying to learn to bring the babies with me..as I do things around the house.  This makes things a lot harder, and it makes things take longer, and it doesn’t always have the outcome I’m hoping for…but I think it makes everyone a bit happier….

I’m also trying to learn that it is okay if a baby cries for a minute or two….just so I can go to the bathroom or throw some clothes into the laundry!  It seems that as soon as I leave their side..someone starts crying…VERY LOUDLY…..as though I’ve left them for hours and hours!  Hearing a baby cry cuts right through me….

Anyway..that is what today’s Embrace the Camera is about….hanging out in the kitchen..with the babies…..when I haven’t showered and so many things need to be done……(and for once holding Escher….you can barely see little Grey..in her bouncy seat..)