Summer stuff from winter stuff….

I have so many winter pajamas for the babies…..pajamas that still fit them.  And I had no summer pajamas.  And have I ever mentioned that I got a serger for Christmas??!!  I love it..but haven’t had a chance to use it much.  It is a Husqvarna Viking Huskylock s25 and I feel like I need a degree to use the thing!!  It has a million stitches and it takes forever to learn how to thread the thing.  I just haven’t had tons of time to learn everything on it.  It was purchased at a local sewing shop and the men who work there are useless.  The guy has never used this machine and when I went for a lesson..he was learning right along with me.  So, I don’t think it is worth going for another lesson.  I just need to slowly learn how to use all the bells and whistles.  The can can skirt that I made a couple of weeks ago was my first major project on it!  So, far, all I’ve done is small little things.

So, I had all these winter pajamas…with feet….and I knew the babies wouldn’t fit into them next I thought..why not cut the feet off and serge the edges!  So, I did just that to all of them…half of them I left long sleeve and the other half I made into short sleeves.

So, now the babies have lots of summer pajamas…for free and I got to use my serger!!  I forgot to take photos of them in their new pajamas..I need to do that for a future post!  Have a great Thursday!

Can Can Skirt….

You know when you have a project that you’ve been meaning to do forever?  Well, I have many……..  But I finally finished one of them!!  I have been meaning to make River this skirt.  I love all of Dana‘s stuff and I bought the pattern awhile ago and had it sitting on the shelf.  Then, I finally ordered the Chiffon and had it sitting on the shelf.  Then I finally bought the material and had it sitting on the shelf.  Well, last week I finally found some time and made it!  I hit a few kinks here and there, but it turned out really cute.  And River loves it.  Now, I just have to find the time to make another one….in purple!!

Mytubo Favorite shots from the week…..

Another week has come and gone.  Seems like they go so quickly.  Grey has started to pull herself up to her knees and standing position. All she wants to do is look out the window.  The problem is that she can’t get herself back down.  This is especially NOT fun when she is in her crib in the middle of the night!  She and Escher are starting to interact a lot more, making each other laugh and playing together.  I love taking photos with the natural light coming in the window.

River learned how to ride her bike this past week.  She just said, “I don’t want training wheels anymore….and took off!”  We couldn’t believe it!  She rides so makes me a bit crazy!

Along with crawling and pulling herself up…Grey is starting to be a bit more independent.  I think she is wondering off more and doing a bit more without worrying about me.  She still seems like the quiet one..compared to Escher.  And Escher got his first tooth this week.  A second one is coming right in!  I can’t believe they are almost nine months old!


Embrace the Camera…

Have I mentioned that I’ve been downloading lots of fun free camera apps???  I think I have mentioned it.  My latest is pudding camera.   I love all the different options it has for camera.   River and I had a lot of fun today fooling around with it!  Everyone around here has a cold….me, River, Grey, Escher and Tuesday…..ugh…  It isn’t fun having two grumpy babies who want constant attention and cuddling!!  Lots of snotty tissues.  But, anyway, enjoy your Thursday and go embrace the camera…..

Oh the things…..

Yes, the things we do for our little ones.  My time seems so precious.  While the babies are napping, I run around getting all the things done that I can’t do while they are awake…like EVERYTHING!!  Of course, I always feel the first thing I need to do is give River some of my time.  So, I had to iron some little bead creations she had made…about two weeks ago!  And then, I had to FINALLY put velcro on her iflop frog. This iflop frog was Quinns and now it is Rivers.  It has gotten so much use.  An ipod is inserted into the little creature and then you turn it on and it lights up and has speakers inside of it.  River loves it and the zipper to the ipod case had broken.  Well, that poor creature sat on my sewing table for about a month….and finally today I fixed the little guy…so River is very happy.  It all gets done…eventually!  Enjoy your day.

Embrace the camera….


It always seems like as soon as I try to take a photo with one of the babies..the other one starts to fuss…..always.  Again, with the patience.  Will I ever fully learn patience?  Seems like it is one of those endless lessons in life.  I hope I’m getting better at it..especially when it is around 3:30 and the second shift is coming home.  I never seem to get that perfect shot that I had in my head….it does always seem perfect in my head….I guess, again, that’s just life.  But I figure, any picture with the babies, or any of my children, is a good picture.  Happy Thursday and go embrace the camera….



MyTubo favorites from the week…..

Here are some of my favorite photos from the last week that I’ve posted on Mytubo.  Nap time is still a challenge..not with Grey.  I put them in separate rooms for nap time, so Grey goes in her swing.  She loves the swing and sleeps very well.  But Escher, he does not sleep well during nap time.  It takes him forever to fall asleep and he doesn’t stay asleep for long.  But at night time, he loves his crib.  Who can figure it out.

Morning time is always a bit crazy…especially when I’ve been up since 5 am.  I love how this shot captures the craziness, yet wonderful-ness of it all.

All River wants to do is “hold” and be with the babies.  I love this shot because it captures their little feet and how cute they are together.

River took this shot and I just love it.  It pretty much captures her personality!  It is one of my favorites.  And the last two are nature shots. that I took over the weekend.  I hope you are having a happy Monday!