Six Months Old…..

Right after my twins were born, someone said to me…the time is going to fly by….it will be’ll wake up and your twins will be six months old and then they’ll be one year old before you know it!!  Well, that happened.  Each day goes by so quickly…with barely enough time to do the essential stuff, let alone any extra stuff.  I can’t believe they are already six months old.  I’m not getting much more sleep than I did when they were first born…but they are darn cute!  They just started eating cereal and they seem to be enjoying it.  Escher is rolling here and there and scooting all over the place.  Little shy Grey has done about four roll overs.  She’s slowly getting there.  I’m afraid Escher is going to be leaving her in the dust soon!  So, here are some photos….It seems like just yesterday they looked like this….



Embrace the Camera…

Tuesday and I have been doing a lot of late night walking.  When I say late…I mean about 8:30 or 9:00…after I’ve put the babies to bed.  When I say to bed…I mean that they are in their cribs and staying asleep for hopefully a few hours!  Grey has gotten really good at sleeping at night, but Escher can’t seem to get the concept..unless he is in bed with me!  Last night, though…Grey didn’t seem to be feeling well and she just wouldn’t settle down. So, we took her on our walk. It was fun getting her all bundled up and in the baby carrier.  I don’t know why I thought she might fall asleep during the walk.  She stayed alert and wide awake the whole time!  Half way through our walk, we switched and Tuesday started carrying her in the carrier…She just looked so cute all snuggled up….

Camera apps……

Tuesday has introduced me to the world of camera apps on my phone.  I have been having so much fun playing around with them.  The photo above I stole from Tuesday.  I love it.  She showed me a site called   You can upload your photos, add filters and share them with others.  I also found a site called  Some of the photos I take with my phone and others I take with my camera.  It really is incredible how many neat things there are on the internet to enhance our photography.


Embrace the Camera…with River and Grey…..

I was working with River on some homework for her preschool…not easy with little ones about! Of course, Grey wanted to get in on the fun….so we decided to take some photos for Embrace the Camera…..even trickier…..especially when I discovered my camera was on Macro mode…oh well….go embrace the camera….


Having two babies requires a lot of stuff……and stuff can get expensive.  I finally got around to joining the SJMOM club….South Jersey Moms of Multiples club.  They meet once a month and I’ve only been to two meetings, but I’ve already met such wonderful women!  It is great to talk with a bunch of people who know exactly what you are going through….when you are going through it.  Everyone is always so helpful about sharing advice and tips.  Also, I have been able to buy, exchange and borrow so much wonderful baby equipment, clothing, supplies, etc.  It has really been great.  If anyone out there has twins or is having twins….join your local twin mom group!!

Monday morning…..

Days with twins go really slowly, but go by really fast.  I know that doesn’t make much sense…but it’s just how it is.  I feel like I am constantly re-inventing the wheel…trying to figure out how to do things….that a million other people must have already figured out.  I know there are lots and lots of other twins out there and I know their parents made it through these first months…but it is a struggle and it is tough and wonderful all at the same time.  And the time just goes so slowly…..minute by minute…but the days fly by!!  Figuring out how to get to places on time, getting them to sleep through the night, take naps at the same time, getting everything that needs to be done done while making their needs a priority… is tiring!!  When they are screaming and screaming and you need to go to the bathroom really badly and you are on your 20th cup of coffee and about to scream….one of them just gives me that look…that adorable look and it puts it all back into perspective.  I know I’ve said all these things before..I think…but it is all so true.

This morning, I was taking River to preschool and there was snow everywhere because they hadn’t shoveled the sidewalk, so decided we needed to walk in the parking lot.  River was on the other side of the car and I told her to slowly walk around the front of the car to where I was…..when suddenly a car coming plowing through at about 30 miles an hour.  I instantly yelled at River to stop and not walk around.  Thankfully, she listened.  Suddenly, the car slammed on its brakes and rolled down the window.  The man started yelling at me and saying what was my problem.  I told him it was a 5 mph speed limit in the parking lot.  He then proceeded to curse, yell and scream at me as he drove away.  It wasn’t the way I wanted to start my day….but it made me realize how wonderful my life is and how happy I am that I am not that man….and that hopefully, I will never have to see him again!!

Happy Monday.