A New Year…

Well, Happy New Year to all.  I hope everyone had some wonderful holidays.  I know we had some crazy days!  Everything always goes by so quickly.  Things have been crazy and chaotic and they still are!  Quinn is home sick from school, so things still aren’t back to normal.

We made so many great Christmas gifts this year…and of course I forgot to take pictures of them!  Tuesday and Quinn made snakes and hippos for Gram and Bop’s Ark, we made Aunt Rose a beautiful cashmere scarf, Maggie got a homemade bag which was made from a recycled sweater.  Quinn painted Unlce Denny a Jersey Devil shirt.  He made Brian some embroidered socks.  Tuesday made all her friends gifts and Quinn made his friends all wooden ornaments!  We really had a lot of fun making everyone’s gifts!

Somehow, putting away all the Christmas stuff, just isn’t as fun as getting it out!