First Tooth….

Well…River had a loose tooth and kept waiting and waiting for it to fall out.  Last Thursday…at the end of the kindergarten day, as she walked out of her classroom door..she tripped and fell.   There was blood everywhere.  We started to walk to the nurse when she realized her tooth was gone!  Thankfully, that was where all the blood was coming from…beside a small scrap on her nose.  We looked everywhere for the tooth…but we never found it.  So, when we got home I asked her if she wanted to make a replacement put under her pillow.  She was very concerned that the tooth fairy might think we were tricking her.  So, she insisted that she write a note to the tooth fairy, letting her know that this was NOT her tooth, but a replacement tooth!  Too cute.

The next morning, she was very excited to find that the tooth fairy had left her two dollars!  She was even more excited to go into school and tell all her classmates about her adventure!


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