Waiting for Santa on the firetruck…..

In our town, every year, Santa comes on a firetruck and hands out candy canes.  They have been doing it since I was a little girl.  But when I was little, Santa handed out an entire box of candy!!  Not anymore.  This year, they said Santa would come on Thursday or Saturday.  So, that meant that we had to hang out and wait for him to arrive….possibly for two days.  On Thursday, after school, we started to hear the fire truck..so we ran outside and waited and waited and waited…no Santa. And it was freezing.  Tuesday was wearing my shoes and was not properly dressed.  The babies weren’t properly dressed….and did I mention it was cold!!  We went inside and waited by the window….with the babies wrapped in blankets.  We waited and waited…for what seemed like hours…finally we heard the sirens getting closer and closer…and he was on our street.  Then, right before our house, he turned the corner and was gone!!  The sirens got farther away until there were no more sirens.  So much for Santa coming on Thursday!!  So, on Saturday we waited again..all day…until it was about dark..and then he finally came!!  By then, it was so cold I didn’t even bring the babies out!!  River was so excited when he finally came!!

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